Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hunter starts rice and bananas

So Hunter is now 4 months and has started eating rice cereal and mashed bananas. He loves it so far and gets so excited when he sees the spoon coming at him that he squeals with delight. It has gotten hard to feed 2 kids at the same time (when Mason needs help with stuff like jello or soup or stuff like that) but we are managing.

Hunter is now chewing on everything, fingers included. He had his 4 month check up this week and they saw 2 bulges starting to show on the top in the middle. So we should see some teeth here soon. He got 4 booster shot and something else (I can't remember what it was). He is a bit grumpy but doing just fine.

Mason is in Love Love Love with the new water park at the ymca. It was built just for kids and the water doesn't go over 3 1/2 feet. He is such a water baby. He would stay in all day every day if i would let him. But he starts to shiver and his lips turn blue after about 30 minuets, simply because he has no meat on his bones. He is all muscle and there for no barrier from the cold water. I make him get out when the shivering gets bad to warm up on the warm concreat and have a quick snack. Then it's back to fun in the water. Hunter even loves the water and oddly enough, Mason starts shaking way before Mason does.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Daddy Take Charge

Mommy was asked repeatedly by her old boss at the Northeast YMCA to come back to work. Finally she gave in and said that she would give them just 2 nights, three hours each night, of teaching swim classes. That meant that daddy would be on his own for dinner, bath and bed time routines. He's having a bit of a rough time, to say the least.

Hunter has never gone to bed for anyone but mommy for his entire life, so going to bed for daddy isn't really working. Mommy has come home to screaming from both hunter and daddy both nights so far. We are hoping that we can work it all out so that mommy can keep doing something that she really enjoys and needs (for her sanity) to be doing.

On a fun note, mommy and daddy taught little mason how to play "ring around the rosy". He loved it, especially the falling down part. He keep taking mommy's hand and trying to get her to go again. Then we learned how to play "hide and go seek", Mason kinda got the concept but still loved the surprise of finding mommy hiding. We will have to keep working on that one.

One other game that Mason loves is dress up. Mommy gave him a bowl out of the out of the cabinet for a makeshift hat. It wouldn't stay on so we tied a scarf around it to keep it on. Then we added one of daddy's shirts and his orange rain boots to finish the outfit. The bowl lasted for awhile and then the out fit ended up as a jester hat and the boots.

Mason's new thing is that he wants to sit in a booster next to his brother who is sitting in his chair. It is really cute to see him spending time with his brother. Mason is doing much better with being gentle.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Our new pool

Yee Haw!

Today was a hot day so mommy blew up the new fun pool we got at walmart. It has lots of fun extras like a ring toss dolphin and a blow up turtle that rattles when you shake it and even a great slide.

Mason saw the pool and went nuts with excitement. He wanted in before it was even filled up. He loved the slide and wanted help going down again and again.

Mommy is so happy that he likes this pool, it was a great buy for the family. The water was really cold and we only played in it for about 15 min. before the shivering started. Then the screaming went on and on when we took him out and inside the house. He would have stayed in til he got hypothermia if he had his way. Next time mommy will fill it up much earlier so that the water is warm by the time Mason gets in. What a cute little water baby. I think he is a fish at heart. He just loves the water.

Sunday, June 1, 2008