Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fireman Mason

Mason got a new fireman raincoat from costco. He wouldn't take it off for a long time. He loved getting in his toy car which he called his "guck guck" (fire truck) and take Hunter for a ride. It was really cute.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sick kids

Sadly Mason has another ear infection. yuck! He and his brother, Hunter, have had runny noses for about 2 weeks. Mason's cold turned into a double ear infection a week ago and Hunter's turned into an ear infection on last monday. Poor babies!

Neither kid has been sleeping properly since this all began. Mommy has been keeping them home and inside for awhile now. Nothing seems to help. We went to see an ENT for Mason's reaccuring ear infections per our pediatricians sugestion. We have decided to put tubes in both ears on August 20th in the early morning. It seems to be the best option.

Well, as a side note, today is Mommy's 31st birthday. Yeah! Nothing special about the day though. Except for a few birthday wishes and Memaa and Papa Kaestner did visit and bring a banana shake from sonic. We just hope that we all get some real sleep tonight but we highly doubt it.

Mason did learn how to finger paint this week and loved it. The really likes the result he sees from his painting. Another first, he had his first shower with daddy after the finger painting session and loved it too. This is his new favorite pass time of the day. We put some new fishy stickems on the bath tub to prevent him from slipping, so now everyday he asks to see the fishys and take a "shar" (shower).

Potty training is going pretty well. Mason wears pullups and goes to sit on the potty every 30 min. He going peepee almost every time, but we coax him by pouring water over his peepee which makes him go. He is still poopooing in his pullups but i am pretty proud of him for peeing in the big boy potty. He is only 18 months. After going he plays with the fish in the bathtub or sometimes he gets a peepee cracker (gram cracker) as a reward. He is really a big boy and we are so proud of him.